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My hackle bloodlines, so far have came from a few different people and friends from across the country. My original grizzly and barred dun lines came from Idaho, where they in turn came from Main, and then trace right back to the Darbee bloodlines. 

The barred Gingers, browns, and cree birds that i have All come from a friend, Kevin, i met through the internet that is from Nevada. 2014 was my first year working with these bloodlines and colors and Im very very impressed with how they turned out and am anxious to where they end up taking me to. 

Im very excited to see what comes out of breeding this spring and what all colors i can add to the mix. Im really hoping to expand numbers and try and take off here. I bought my first eggs back in spring of 2012 so this spring will be my fourth as a grower. 2013 & 2014 i had right around 50 birds running around to work with, and if all things can go right Im hoping to be right around 200-250 birds by fall 2015.

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