Posted by : Ebrant10 Saturday, January 31, 2015

There is a little less than a month to go until The Fly Fishing Show makes it annual stop at the Lancaster County Convention Center. This year I'll be set up there with some hackle and tying flies with Ty Loomis of we have some pretty big plans for a cool booth so stop by and check us out. You can check out the shows website here

We have been tying flies like crazy trying to get prepared and we still have a lot more to get wrapped up in the next month but well be ready. Ty is going to have a bunch of muskie flies and trout streamers, if you haven't seen his stuff yet you've been missing out.  His trout streamers compete with some of the best and his muskie flies...well lets just say they work.

I'm going to have a pile of traditional trout dry flys and nymphs along with a bunch of competition style nymphs, hydrostones and some streamers as well.

(I've put the hydrostone through a lot of product testing and it's really become a staple fly in my box in streams where big stoneflys are.)

 Ty, Clark, and I are looking to have a great time and put a bunch of names to faces and just make the most of the show networking. So by all means take that Saturday or Sunday, skip getting beat up with winter weather on the stream and come out to the show! Its always a great time and the last stop for the show for the year so all the companies that travel the circut selling gear seem to throw down some great deals on some stuff that they are wanting to move and not drag home so its always worth the trip!

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